Balancing Baby Beings: Brains Bellies & Bottoms

Free Introductory Group

Simple movements during diaper changes, nursing, cuddling, dressings, bathing can help release tension held in these key areas of you beloved baby being. Stress fo difficult intrauterine positioning, and birth can affect sleep,nursing,digestion,bowel movements,moving both side of the body equally and attunment between babies, moms and dads. Come see if these simple moments can help your baby's comfort and your comfort mving your new born or infant. Come have support determining if you baby is moving with comfortable ease and learn these simple moment routines.


I am Elana Sue St.Pierre, a Licensed Pediatric Occupational Therapist specializing in helping babies release  intrauterine and birth stress patterns utilizing movement, craniosacral, visceral, neural, respiratory, lymphatic, and energetic treatment modalities since 1980. Free phone consultations and private sessions are also available. I am looking forward to offering a new group experience at future date  for babies not yet crawling.