
Upledger Institute International (UII) is a healthcare resource center recognized worldwide for its comprehensive education programs, advanced treatment options and for its unique outreach initiatives.

The discovery of the Dural Pulse by Dr. John E. Upledger was the foundation for the groundbreaking work that he would later coin as CranioSacral Therapy. The development of this therapeutic approach earned Dr. Upledger recognition in TIME magazine as one of America's "Next Wave of Innovators" for his proven clinical applications of this therapy.

From 1975 to 1983, Dr. Upledger was a professor of biomechanics at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University. While he was there he led a team of anatomists, physiologists, biophysicists and bioengineers who performed and published the clinical research that formed the basis for CranioSacral Therapy.

In 1985, after decades of research, Dr. Upledger founded Upledger Institute International to teach people worldwide about the value of this effective approach. Today, the Institute is one of the most respected training venues in the world, with more than 100,000 alumni. Dr. Upledger also founded the Upledger Clinic the same year to provide treatment to individuals suffering from pain and dysfunction, and to continue his groundbreaking research in a clinical setting.


The Barral Institute is a health education, training and research organization dedicated to the advancement of Visceral Manipulation, Nerve Manipulation and related Manual Therapies. The Barral Institute works to better understand and validate the therapeutic effect of these hands on therapies; conducts workshops nationally and internationally to educate and train healthcare practitioners in the proper techniques and promotes education to the general public about the existence and therapeutic value of these modalities. Alumni include osteopathic physicians, allopathic physicians, doctors of chiropractic, doctors of Oriental medicine, physical therapists, occupational therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists and other professional bodyworkers.


The Chikly Health Institute (CHI) is an organization devoted to education, research and therapeutic excellence.

The Chikly Health Institute offers cutting-edge courses to healthcare professionals around the world. These modalities are non invasive and effective in treating a full spectrum of physical and emotional conditions. We are committed to passion in education and excellence in the content and quality of our classes.